The Scrapyard Monster v2.2
In 2021, Aston Martin starts producing a very limited number of its brand new hypercar: The Valkyrie. It is powered by a Cosworth RA engine: the most powerful atmospheric V12 engine ever made. It’s a lightweight engine of barely 200 kgs (450 lbs) that delivers up to 1,000 hp.
The Scrapyard Monster is a seriously fun and fictional aircraft. It was born from the question: What if a crazy aeronautical engineer found a brand new Cosworth RA engine and decided to visit a scrapyard to find the rest of the parts he needed? Not with the goal of building a car, but a lightweight, overpowered, ridiculously unsafe, aircraft abomination!
This is a hypothetical result: an airplane with a power-to-weight ratio twice that of a Spitfire! You can take off and land from a helipad or the roof of most buildings. You can choose if you want to fly low and slow (down to 60 knots) or high and fast (over 200 knots). And it’s not only here for the joke: The Scrapyard Monster is equipped with all the features and systems you could ever wish for, and even more…
- Highly detailed 4K PBR textures.
- Modern engine/propeller simulation.
- Custom sound pack including the Cosworth RA engine’s unique sound.
- Dual VOR navigation (with ILS), ADF, GPS.
- Garmin Aera 500 included.
- Custom autopilot with all the features: NAV1, NAV2, HDG, GPS, APPR, VS, FLC, ALT, etc.
- 2 variants included: Bush Monster and Sea Monster (on floats).
- Extreme STOL and aerobatic capabilities.
- Droppable ballast that greatly affects the performance of the beast.
- Automatic flaps retraction + automatic ballast remount to assist your helipad landings!
- Custom needle and screen gauges (with power/torque display and live fuel calculations).
- Custom effects (various engine smokes, heat blur, contrails, wingtip vortices, water spray, etc.)
- Aerobatic smoke (5 independent and customizable multi-color smoke emitters).
- Complex interior lighting with several options and dimmers.
- A miniature sun as the landing light!
- Emissive paint effect that works in multiplayer.
- 3 liveries (for each variant) included.
- 4 LODs for performance optimization.
- Tons of options, easter eggs, interactions.
- Complete and interactive in-game checklists.
- Very detailed and illustrated PDF manual.